This research work is an attempt to look into the impact of inventory management and control on performance using a manufacturing company. It was conducted using Natec aluminium companys Ltd Akwa ibom. The research work was carried out with the intention of examining the pit falls of manufacturing companies in carrying out necessary management and control of their inventories. For this purpose the study was divided into five chapters. Chapter one introduced the research topic, the objective of the study was also define which include to access and highlight the different methods of inventory, planning and reeducation and the most appropriate one. Chapter two was concerned with the review of related literature and points like objectives of inventory management which include to maintain minimum investment in inventories to maximize profitability were discussed. Chapter three dealt with the methodology used in collecting data. In this chapter the random sampling technique was adopted and questionnaire were used to collect the data. Chapter four has to do with the analysis of the various data collected using the mean. In chapter five, summary of the research work was don and conclusion were drawn to give recommendations in that a manufacturing companies with a view to profit maximization and cost reduction should adopt and maintain an effective inventory management and control system
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